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MLA citation style

A guide to citing sources using MLA Style, 9th edition

General rules for in-text citations

See more detailed information in sections 6.1-6.30 of the MLA Handbook.

MLA Style uses brief citations within the text of a paper immediately after a quotation, reference to a source, or paraphrase. The brief citation gives the author and page number of the source you are referring to, allowing readers to locate the full citation in your works cited list.

In-text citation examples:

Pythagoras invented the monochord (Smith 182).

Smith believed that Pythagoras invented the monochord (182).

In both examples, the complete information about the work by Smith would appear in the Works Cited list after Smith's name. If you cite more than one work published by Smith, you would distinguish the works by including the titles (usually shortened).

In research papers and other manuscripts, either en dashes () or hyphens (-) can be used to indicate number ranges.

Works with no author

If a work does not list an author, use the title in your in-text citation instead. It is often better to refer to the title in your sentence rather than in parentheses:

The Dictionary of Newfoundland English defines faddle as "a bundle of fire-wood."

In parenthesis, use the title, usually shortened. For instructions on shortening titles, see section 2.120 of the MLA Handbook. Use quotation marks around the titles of articles, chapters, short stories or poems, and web pages. Italicize the titles of books, journals, newspapers, magazines, and entire websites:

An employee said "they believed our main occupation was fishing" ("Roundtable" 42).

Works with multiple authors

2 authors

When citing works with 2 authors, always include both last names in your text:

Kelly and Yeoman (26-27) argue...

...these stories are common in Newfoundland literature (Kelly and Yeoman 26).

3 or more authors

If you are referring to the work's authors in your sentence rather than in parentheses, you may list all the authors' names, or you may provide the name of the first author followed by the phrase "and other" or "and colleagues."

If you are writing the authors' names in a parenthetical citation, list the first author followed by "et al."

In a sentence:

According to Katona, Rough, and Richardson...

According to Katona and others...

In parenthesis:

(Katona et al. 17)

Works with no page numbers

When the original source doesn't have any page numbers, it is often better to identify the author in your sentence, and not use parenthesis at all:

Lisa Moore believes Winter's short story evokes "the sense of the island's isolation."

However, you can still put the author’s name in parenthesis if you prefer:

Winter's short story evokes "the sense of the island's isolation" (Moore).

Indirect sources: A citation within a citation

Refer to the person(s) you are quoting in the text. In parenthesis, use the abbreviation “qtd. in” and cite the author(s) of the source you used and the page number where the quotation occurs. In your works cited list, only cite the source you actually consultedin the example below, you would only cite Hillman in your works cited list.

Neill believed Anthony and Cleopatra is “a play always arguing with itself” (qtd. in Hillman 305)