Radiology: Home
Medical Reference Resources
- CredoReference This link opens in a new windowMedical and nursing dictionaries and more, including The Human Body Book: An Illustrated Guide to Its Structure, Function and Disorders
- EBMcalcIncludes a variety of medical calculation equations, tables, and decision trees, such as the Pittsburgh Knee Rule for X-Ray Evaluation of Knee Injury TreeCalc and The Ottawa Ankle Rule for the Use of X-Rays.
Citation management
Use a citation manager to store your citations and format your bibliographies.
Health Databases
- HSL Databases pageA comprehensive gateway to some of our most highly-used resources pertaining to Pharmacy, Medicine, and Nursing.
Includes point-of-care tools and ebook packages.
- e-anatomyMedical e-learning site. Includes Medical imaging and human anatomy atlas, e-learning, and clinical cases.
- Aclands' Video Atlas of Human AnatomyA rotating three-dimensional look at anatomy, including both the structure of the human body and moving structures.
- Anatomy.TV, from Primal PicturesUses a 3D model to provide a comprehensive review of al anatomical regions. Includes Anatomy and Physiology; Diseases and Conditions; and 3D Real Time
Apps and Mobile
- Medical AppsA list of selected medical apps that work with the library's databases and subscriptions.
Librarian for Radiology
How To...
- Search PubMed This link opens in a new window