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Anesthesia : E-books & Journals

Standard Anesthesia Textbooks (Royal College List)

The following is a list of textbooks included by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in the document Format of the Examination in Anesthesiology - 2024/2025.

Other Anesthesia E-books

Regional Anesthesia E-books


The following is a selection of anesthesia-related journals. Memorial Libraries does not have full coverage of all of these journals. Once you click a link below, see the "View Online" tab for coverage dates. If you need an article that Memorial Libraries doesn't have, you may submit a Document Delivery Request, and we'll get the article for you from another library and email you a PDF (turnaround time is usually 1-2 days).

For journals not listed below, search for the journal title in OneSearch.

Obstetrics/Pediatrics E-books