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Selected websites
Associations & Societies
- Women's and Gender Studies et Recherches FĂ©ministes"The national professional association for the academic discipline of Women's and Gender Studies in Canada."
- Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW)"The only national bilingual feminist organization in Canada dedicated to research."
- Canadian Federation of University Women"A national, bilingual, independent organization striving to promote equality, social justice, fellowship and life-long learning for women and girls."
Find articles and more in Women's Studies International.
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Handbook of Gender and Women's Studies
The Handbook is a useful introduction to gender theory and a good starting-point for debates.
- Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) HistoryA global view of the history of LGBTQ, covering significant figures and events worldwide.
- Encyclopedia of Feminist TheoriesThis contains over 500 entries providing clear multidisciplinary insight into the complex field of feminist thought.
- Encyclopedia of Gender and SocietyThis comprehensive two-volume encyclopedia covers the major theories, research, people and issues in contemporary gender studies. It is distinguished by a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective providing comparative analyses of life experiences of men and women around the world.
The Routledge Companion to Feminism and Postfeminism
Includes over a dozen in-depth background chapters with more than 400 A-Z dictionary entries.Men and Masculinities
Analyzes, summarizes, and explains the complexities of men's lives and the idea of modern manhood.The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory
The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory maps the present and future of thinking about feminist theory. Topics include epistemology and marginality; literary, visual and cultural representations; sexuality; the macro and microeconomics of gender; conflict and peace.
Digital Collections
- Women of Impact in CanadaThis Government of Canada site is an online gallery dedicated to women's achievements, featuring profiles of courageous women who have made an impact in politics, the arts and sciences, and countless other fields.
- Women's History of the Southwest Coast of NewfoundlandThis exhibit from Virtual Museum Canada features the personal stories of women and their contributions to the historical development of the southwest coast.
- Coastal WomenThis virtual exhibit portrays the women who lived and worked in coastal communities of Newfoundland and Labrador prior to Confederation.