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HathiTrust: Collections

Using HathiTrust Collections

My Collections will only appear in HathiTrust when you're logged in. Collections let you group HathiTrust digital library items for public or private use – create a curated reading list, compile primary sources for research, or share a bibliography with research partners.

Screenshot highlighting link to Collections in top navigation

Creating and adding items to My Collections

To start a new collection for yourself or to share, navigate to Collections in the top menu and select New Collection. In the pop-up window, set a collection name, add a description, and choose whether to make it public or private. These options can be changed at any time.

From a catalog search, you must add items to your collections one at a time. In the full or limited view for an item, expand the Collections tab in the item's options menu.

Screenshot highlighting the Collections item menu option

From a full-text search, add multiple items at once by selecting each item from your search result list and choosing the collection to save your items to.

Screenshot highlighting the option to select and add items to collections from full-text search mode

Sharing My Collections

You can choose to make your collections private or public. Making your collection private means only you can see it. Making your collection public means anyone can see it and that you can share it. To share one of your public collections, navigate to the collection and copy the URL provided in the “Link to this collection” option under the Collection Tools menu.

Additional features and support

For more information and for extra features, watch this video on collections from HathiTrust: