Finding News Sources (POSC and Law and Society): Home
Use this guide to find newspaper sources
Finding newspaper databases
- 1-Finding the Newspaper Database List (1:00)How do you find a complete list of all the newspaper databases available through MUN Libraries? This video will explain.
- 2-The Newspaper Database List (2:00)Once you have found the complete list of newspaper databases (see video above), where do you start? This video will identify some of the most commonly used databases--but when you start searching, remember to read the descriptions and the date coverage to select a database that will meet your research needs.
Using Proquest Newspaper Databases
- Searching a Proquest Newspaper Database (2:04)This video explains how to begin your search for newspapers in a Proquest database
- Finding articles in a Proquest Newspaper Database (3:04)This video explains how to limit your search, and how to keep a record of the articles you have found
- Searching multiple Proquest Newspaper Databases (1:08)This video explains how to search several Proquest databases at the same time
- Searching the Eureka Database--Basic Search (2:03)This video will show you how to search news sources using the 360 Basic search options.
- Searching the Eureka Database--Advanced Search (1:48)This video explains how to use the Advanced search options
Using Factiva
- Searching the Factiva databaseThis Youtube video from Dow Jones/Factiva gives a good overview of how to do a search.
Newspaper Databases
Below is a short list of newspaper databases that are widely used for Canadian and International newspaper searches. A complete list can be found on the Library's newspaper Database List page. To find out more about the Database List page, view the two short videos on the left, or to go directly to the page, click here.
- Canadian Newsstream (Proquest)1970-present available online. Index, abstracts - comprises 394 Canadian newspapers, news magazines & wire services - access full-text articles, columns, editorials & features.
- Proquest Historical Newspapers: Globe and Mail1844 to 4 years ago available online. Full Text, Images - Over 1.4 million pages from Canada's national newspaper - Coverage includes every news story, photograph, map, advertisement, classified ad, political cartoon, birth and death notice, and more -- breadth / depth of content make it a vital tool for Canadian studies.
- Proquest Historical Newspapers: Toronto Star1894 to 2 years ago available online. Full Text - Includes every page of every newspaper issue: -news that shaped each day + editorial & opinion articles, business pages, political cartoons, photos, advertisements, classified ads, obituaries, birth & marriage notices - Browse by date or search by keyword(s) or phrase - Retrieves PDF images of relevant pages.
- Factiva1975-present available online. Covers influential local / national / international newspapers, trade publications, business news wires, press release wires, media transcripts, news photos, business-rich Web sites, investment analyst reports, market research reports, country and regional profiles, company profiles, historical market data, hard facts and numbers.
- International Newsstream (Proquest)1990-present available online. Index, full-text. Comprises 1,039 newspapers & 152 newswires / blogs emanating from areas outside of the U.S.A. & Canada - includes: Asian Newsstream ; Australia & New Zealand Newsstream ; European Newsstream ; Latin American Newsstream ; Middle East & African Newsstream.
- Proquest Centralfull-text database comprising thousands of journals and over 2,000 newspapers, 100,000 theses, 455,000 working papers, millions of up-to-date company reports, market & industry reports, and country profiles. You can limit your search to "newspapers".
- Eureka1990-present available online. Covers 3,000+ local, regional, national & international news sources -- newspapers, newswires, radio & television transcripts, trade publications, selected blogs & Web sites -- 450,000 corporate histories & 130,000 biographical profiles -- updated with more than 80,000 new articles each day - Full text coverage for 10+ newspapers from Newfoundland & Labrador.
- Nexis Uni (Lexis Nexis)Lexis Nexis is now known as Nexis Uni. Covers 15,000+ sources: newspapers, wire services, newsletters, company reports, case law, government documents, transcripts of broadcasts.
NEW - Canada Newspaper Archive
- Canada Newspaper ArchiveAccess Newspapers from across Canada,1753-present. Coverage varies, but is most extensive for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Newfoundland.
Canadian Political News Sources
- Hill Times and EmbassyWeekly Ottawa-based newspaper. Covers federal government and federal politics. An important source for political news, public policy briefings, feature stories, surveys, opinion columns and political analysis. Embassy covers foreign relations and international affairs.
- Politics - CBCRead the latest political news from the CBC
- The House - CBCCBC Federal political affairs
Newfoundland Newspapers
- Newfoundland and Labrador Primary SourcesThis link will direct you to another Subject Guide that contains links to NL primary sources such as digitized collections of historical NL newspapers.
Other News Sources
- Google News ArchiveThis archive includes incomplete runs of newspapers from around the world, including Canada.