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Research Data Management: Overview

Why Data Management?

Data LifeCycle

While there are many representations of the data lifecycle, this image reflects the importance of data repurposing through making your data available in a repository. The library can help you at all stages of the data lifecycle to ensure that your data is accurate, organized, secure, preserved, discoverable and reusable.

Image courtesy of University of Virginia Research Data Services


Research Data Management




Managing your research data will help you: 

  • meet grant requirements and/or produce a more competitive grant application
  • increase the impact and visibility of your research
  • encourage the discovery and use of existing data to explore new research questions
  • better guarantee your data are accurate, complete, authentic, and reliable
  • ensure long-term preservation of data for future researchers
  • ensure compliance with ethics and privacy policies

In this guide you will find information on creating data management plans (a requirement of many funding agencies), best practices for data management, funding requirements, data citation, and sharing data. 

If you have any questions or would like help with any aspects of data management, including, but not limited to, writing a data management plan, organizing your data, or finding funding agency requirements, please contact Alison Farrell at or 864-4908. 


Sincere thanks to the team at Queen's University, Kingston, ON, for allowing us to adapt their data management guide

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