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Systematic, Scoping, and Rapid Reviews

What is Covidence

Covidence is a web-based software platform that can streamline systematic and scoping review processes, particularly citation screening. The Health Sciences Library has an institutional subscription to this product, allowing Memorial University faculty, students & staff to create Covidence reviews at no cost.

How to Create a Covidence Account

You will need to create a personal Covidence account either before or after joining the institutional Memorial University Covidence subscription. To request access to the Memorial University institutional subscription, you must use your current Memorial email address (youremail@mun.ca or youremail@med.mun.ca).

  • To request an invitation to Memorial University's institutional subscription, go to: https://app.covidence.org/organizations/Qevw7/signup
  • Sign up for your invitation with a Memorial University email address (youremail@mun.ca or youremail@med.mun.ca). Click Request Invitation.
  • You will receive an email from Covidence. Click Accept this invitation.
    • If you do not have an existing personal Covidence account, you will need to create one by clicking on Sign up.
    • If you already have a personal Covidence account, Sign in using your personal Covidence account credentials.

After creating a personal Covidence account and joining the Memorial University subscription, you will be able to sign in from anywhere by visiting: https://app.covidence.org/sign_in

Creating a Review using the Memorial University Subscription

Screenshot showing how to create a review under the Memorial University of Newfoundland subscription.After clicking on Start a new review, you will have the option to use your personal account or the Memorial University subscription.

Reviews created under the Memorial University subscription will be visible to Memorial University Covidence subscription administrators. Reviews in your personal account are only visible to you.

Working with Colleagues from Other Institutions

Any Memorial University user connected to Covidence with a Memorial University account may create new reviews and invite unlimited reviewers from anywhere in the world.

However, due to copyright laws and publisher licensing agreements, there are restrictions on sharing full-text articles with individuals who are not affiliated with Memorial University.

Memorial University reviewers working with colleagues from other institutions should not upload full-text articles obtained through Memorial University Library subscriptions or document delivery services to Covidence. Open access articles may be uploaded. Article doi links may also be used to facilitate full-text access.

If you have questions about uploading full-text articles, please contact hslinfo@mun.ca.