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Citation Management

EndNote Basic Online

EndNote Basic Online is a simple citation manager that you use within your web browser.  Import a maximum of 50,000 references, and 2GB of attachments. If you like to keep your articles and citations together in one system, EndNote Basic Online will probably not be sufficient for your needs. Saving documents to a separate location is recommended for EndNote Basic Online users.


EndNote Basic Online is available to anyone, free of charge. Sign-up through Memorial University, and you will be prompted to sign-in with your Memorial University credentials using your email address and you can save up to 50,000 citations in your online library and have access to dozens of citation styles. Direct citation export is available for small number of online databases. Sign up for a free account here: Memorial EndNote Basic Online.

Captcha Error

If you receive a captcha error when trying to register, please follow these steps for an alternative registration method:

  1. Go to and register for an account using your MUN email address.
  2. Use your MUN Login credentials to log into Web of Science.
  3. Once you are logged into Web of Science, click on the EndNote link in the menu at the top of the page. Log in with the EndNote account you just created in step 1. This will pair your EndNote account with Memorial's subscription so you get the expanded list of citation styles.

If those steps don't work and you continue to receive the captcha error, please contact us.

Adding Citations to EndNote Basic Online

You can add citations from most databases directly into EndNote Basic Online. The steps will vary slightly for different databases, but in general:

  1. In the database, select the citations you wish to export.
  2. Look for an option to "Export" or "Direct Export to EndNote Basic" or "Direct Export to EndNote Web"
  3. From the list of export options, choose either EndNote or RIS format.
  4. Usually, this process will download a file (.ris) that you will save somewhere on your computer (usually in the Downloads folder or on your Desktop). In some cases, instead of saving the file, you will be prompted to select EndNote Basic directly.

Learn More

When you sign-in to EndNote Basic you will be automatically directed to the "Getting Started" Guide. Here you will find more information on managing and sharing your citations. You can return to this Guide at anytime by clicking on the "Show Getting Started Guide" link.


Connect EndNote Basic Online and Microsoft Word

You can utilize the Cite While You Write plug-in available through EndNote Basic to cite your references and format your bibliography in Word. Select "Format" and "Cite While You Write Plug-in" and follow the download instructions.

This video provides a brief overview on how to use Cite While You Write with EndNote Basic.