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Turabian citation style

A guide to citing sources using Turabian Style, 9th edition

Additional resources

For more examples or more specific information about how to cite Websites, Social Media & Blogs, please see Section 17.5 (pp. 194-197) of the Turabian Guide.

Web pages

If the owner/sponsor name is the same as the website's title, you can omit that information.

Websites are normally only cited in your notes and not included in your bibliography unless the source is critical to your argument or cited frequently in your assignment.

Note format:

20. Author, "Title of the Page/Document," Title of Website, Owner/Sponsor of Website, publication or revision date, URL.


21. Provincial Information and Library Resources Board, "Annual Report 2013-14," Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries, August 5, 2014,

22. Olaf U. Janzen, “Beothuk and Mi’kmaq,” Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland, last modified January 13, 2014,

Sample bibliography entry:

Janzen, Olaf U. “Beothuk and Mi’kmaq,” Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Last modified January 13, 2014.

Website with no author

Begin with the title of the webpage/document instead.

Sample note:

23. "The Newfoundland Regiment and the Great War: The Trail of the Caribou," The Rooms, 2010,

Website with no date

If no date of publication, last revision or modification is given, include the date you accessed it.

Sample note:

24. Kathy Kaufield and Alain Bosse, "Atlantic Lobster Food Service Guide," Canadian Lobster, Lobster Council of Canada, accessed March 11, 2020, Atlantic_ Lobster_Guide_P12_compressed.pdf.

Social media posts

Retain a copy of the social media content cited, in case your cited post gets deleted. Social media citations can often be limited to the text.

Sample in-text citation:

Local news organization VOCM's Question of the Day on Twitter was "With provincial vaccination rates nearing 80 percent, are you comfortable and ready to head back into the workplace?" (@VOCMNEWS, September 14, 2021).

If a social media post is especially important to link back to the original post, you may include a note. If only a screen name is known, use the screen name in place of an author's name.

Turabian recommends only citing social media posts in the text or in notes.

Note format:

25. Author's Real Name (@Username), "Up to the first 160 characters of the post," Site Name and description if it is a photo or video, Month day, year of post, URL.

Sample note:

26. Archives and Special Collections, Queen Elizabeth II Library, MUN (@MUNarchivesandspecialcollections), "JR Smallwood, Clara (Oates) Smallwood and their baby. Probably Ramsey. From the JR Smallwood backlog," Facebook photo, September 13, 2020,

Online videos (e.g., YouTube)

Turabian recommends only citing online videos in notes, and not in the bibliography of your assignment.

Sample note:

27. BBC Ideas, "The Quiet Power of Introverts," YouTube video, 3:42, January 28, 2020,

Blog posts

Blog posts are cited like online newspaper articles. The word blog may be added in parenthesis after the blog title.

Like newspaper articles, Turabian recommends only citing blog posts in notes.

Sample note:

28. Constantina Katsari, “Ancient Artifacts from the Erotic Museum in Paris,” Love of History (blog), February 9, 2015,