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Chicago citation style

A guide to citing sources using the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition

Course materials

Class lecture, speech, or academic talk

Put the lecture title in quotation marks after the speaker's name. If the lecture is untitled, place the course name in square brackets in place of the lecture title.

Reference list format:

Last name, First name. Year. "Lecture Title." Lecture, University Name, City, Province, Day of lecture.

Sample reference list entry:

Bodner, John. 2008. "Folklore and Popular Culture." Lecture, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Corner Brook, NL, February 15.

Class notes on course website (e.g., Brightspace)

Include date they were created, posted or last revised; If no such date is available include date of access, but in that case, in your in-text citation, use "n.d.". Include the URL.

Sample reference list entry:

Bodner, John. 2008. "Folksong." Course notes for Folklore and Popular Culture, Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Corner Brook, NL.

Dictionary or encyclopedia articles

Dictionary or encyclopedia entry (print)

If you are citing a standard reference work like a well-known encyclopedia or dictionary, it is sufficient to cite the work only in the text of your paper, and omitting the citation from your reference list (14.232). If you are only citing an entry in text only, include the title of the dictionary or encyclopedia, the edition number (if other than the first), and the title of the entry. The title of the entry is preceded by "s.v.," meaning meaning sub verbo, or "under the word." The plural of s.v. is s.w.

Sample in-text citation:

(Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed, s.v. "Salvation.")

If you are citing a specialized reference work, you can cite a dictionary or encyclopedia entry in-text and in your reference list as you would a section or chapter of an edited book.

Sample in-text citation:

(Moore and Crotty 2007, 32)

Sample reference list entry:

Moore, C.R. and M.A. Crotty. 2007. "Australian Masculinities." In International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, edited by M. Flood, J.K. Gardiner, B. Pease, and K. Pringle, 31-33. Routledge.

Dictionary or encyclopedia entry (online)

Follow the principles listed above to decide if you will cite an entry only in the text of your work, or if it should also be cited in your reference list. Include the DOI (digital object identifier) for the entry. If a DOI is not available, use the URL instead. If you accessed the entry through a library database, name the database; do not use a library database URL.

Sample in-text citations:

(Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed, s.v. "Anomie,"

(Cox, Levine and La Caze 2017)

Sample reference list entry:

Cox, Damian, Michael Levine, and Marguerite La Caze. 2017. "Integrity." In Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta Standford University, 2001.

Government documents

Canadian government document (print)

The Chicago Manual recommends consulting the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (9th ed.) for more specific information.

Sample reference list entry:

Statistics Canada. 2007. A National Overview: Population and Dwelling Counts, 2006 Census. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Canadian government document (online)

Include publication or last revision/modification date; If no such date is available include date of access, but in that case, in your in-text citation, use "n.d.". Include the URL.

Sample reference list entry:

Environment Canada. 2011. "Canada's Emission Trends."

Unpublished interviews and personal communications

Unpublished interview

Interviews are cited only in text and are not included in the reference list unless they are available for others to access (for example, in a library or archive, or posted online). Consider preserving a permanent record of any interviews you conduct to prevent possible challenges to your research (14.15).

Sample in-text citation:

(David Peddle, interview by author, Corner Brook, NL, March 22, 2011)

Personal communication (conversation, email, text, or DM)

References to communications are usually built into the text of a paper and are not included in the reference list. Email addresses should be omitted. If you need to include it, ensure you obtain the permission of the owner.

Sample in-text citations:

In a text to the author on April 4, 2020, a representative from the organization wrote that...

(John A. Smith, pers. comm., May 29, 2005)

(Edwin Bezzina, Facebook direct message to author, May 17, 2020)

Theses and dissertations

Theses or dissertation‌s (print)

Titles of theses and dissertations appear in quotation marks, not in italics (14.215).

Sample reference list entry:

Anger, Dorothy C. 1983. "Putting it Back Together: Micmac Political Identity in Newfoundland." Master's thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Theses or dissertation‌s (from a library database)

Titles of theses and dissertations appear in quotation marks, not in italics. Include the name of the database. If an identification number is provided, include it in brackets after the database name (14.215).

Sample reference list entry:

Dick, Jerry. 2011. “Making the Newfoundland Outport.” Master’s thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland. ProQuest (MR81860).

Theses or dissertation‌s (from the Internet)

Titles of theses and dissertations appear in quotation marks, not in italics. Include the URL at the end of the reference (14.215).

Sample reference list entry:

Anger, Dorothy C. 1983. "Putting it Back Together: Micmac Political Identity in Newfoundland." Master's thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.


Streaming films

For streaming films accessed through the library, include the database name (e.g., Kanopy, Digital Theatre+). Do not include the database URL.

Sample reference list entry:

Zemeckis, Robert, dir. 1985. Back to the Future. Universal Pictures. Accessed September 13, 2020. Audio Cine Films.

Films on DVD

Sample reference list entry:

Melford, George, and Varick Frissell, dir. 1931. The Viking. Burbank, CA: Morningstar Entertainment, 2008. DVD.